Bath type
- Lake bathing
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14.05.2017 bis 20.09.2017
With its turquoise-green water and its picturesque bays, Lake Cauma surpasses many a Mediterranean beach. Its name suits the "relaxed" atmosphere that is appreciated by the guests of the bathing lake and beaches. Let your mind wander and your eye drift from the small island over the pine forest that almost completely surrounds the lake and back to the pier where a rented boat is perhaps just casting off.
Children | 5.— |
Adults | 9.50 |
Season start: | 14.05.2017 |
Season end: | 01.10.2017 |
Children paddling pool: | 1 |
3 meter: | 1 |
7018 Flims Waldhaus
+41 (0)81 911 11 33
All information is the responsibility of local partners; weather data supplied by SRF Meteo.