Bath type
- Outdoor pool
- Lake bathing
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Reduced prices with guest card: adults CHF 4.00, children 6-16 CHF 2.50.
Beach restaurant with all kinds of specialties, open daily. Group reservations possible on request.
Children's playground with piratship
Diving tower with 2m, 5m and 7,5m board. Aquafit and spinning classes are also offered
Aquajogging and Cycling courses in the lido Burgseeli; free with visitors card.
Children | 3.50 |
Adults | 5.— |
Opening hours | Mai and September from 11.00 until 19.00 h daily, in good weather June, July and August from 09.00 until 20.00 h daily, in good weather |
Season start: | 07.05.2022 |
Season end: | 18.09.2022 |
Children paddling pool: | 1 |
3 meter: | 1 |
5 meter: | 1 |
Naturstrandbad Burgseeli
3805 Goldswil b. Interlaken
+41 (0)33 822 14 29
All information is the responsibility of local partners; weather data supplied by SRF Meteo.