Bath type
- Outdoor pool
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Children | 3.— |
Adults | 5.50 |
Opening hours | Mo-Su : 9.30 am - 7.30 pm (12.06.-11.08.2017 : 9.30 am - 20 pm) |
Season start: | 19.05.2017 |
Season end: | 27.08.2017 |
Length: | 50m |
Pool depth: | 1.00m-3.00m |
Children paddling pool: | 1 |
Piscine de Chexbres
Rue du Bourg de Crousaz
1071 Chexbres
+41 (0)21 946 20 81
All information is the responsibility of local partners; weather data supplied by SRF Meteo.