Bath type
- Outdoor pool
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Junior | 4.— |
Adults | 4.— |
AHV | 4.— |
Opening hours | Open daily from 10am to 7 pm. Can be closed in case of bad weather, please ask at the Tourist Office if in doubt. Tel 033 856 85 85 |
Season start: | 06.06.2015 |
Season end: | 31.08.2015 |
Pool depth: | 0.25m-3.00m |
Children paddling pool: | 1 |
1 meter: | 1 |
2 meter: | 1 |
3 meter: | 1 |
Schwimm- und Sonnenbad Wengen
3823 Wengen
+41 (0)33 855 14 14
All information is the responsibility of local partners; weather data supplied by SRF Meteo.